Becoming a Member
The process for becoming a member at Redeemer Church involves four steps:
Participate in our New Member’s Class (occur twice a year)
Fill out the membership profile, including your personal profession of faith in Christ
Interview with an elder from Redeemer
Take vows before the church body
This process gives us an opportunity to get to know you, as well as for you to get to know us! We are grateful for your desire to participate in and commit to the life and body of Redeemer.
Our new member’s class is an excellent time to learn and ask questions about our church– our history, beliefs, and core values – as well as our denomination. This class is required for those interested in joining the church even though attending the class does not obligate anyone to join. The class is led by our senior pastor as well as other staff and ministry leaders. The class meets on a Friday evening and then on consecutive Sunday mornings during our Sunday school hour. A light supper is provided on Friday evening as well as childcare.
Please contact for more details.