“It is an awesome honor and privilege to be given the opportunity to guide the Redeemer family in the ministry to children. By shepherding a child’s heart we can truly show them the grace of God.”
- Teri Pettyjohn, Director of Children’s Ministries

The church nursery is available for children ages 6 weeks through 3 years old. Our nursery
workers are experienced staff members and loving volunteers who provide a safe and nurturing
environment for all children. Knowing that your child is safe and well-cared for gives you peace
of mind so you can worship our loving God during Sunday School and Service. Childcare is
available from 9:45 a.m.-12:00 p.m.
Children's Church
During the Sunday 11:00am worship service, children who are 4 years old through 3 rd grade are invited to attend Children’s Church.
After the scripture reading, but before the sermon begins, an announcement is made to dismiss the children.
Volunteers and children walk downstairs together. We ask parents to pick up their children in the fellowship hall immediately after the service.

Sunday School
If you would like to nurture the love of God in your child’s heart and give them a strong moral compass, then you have come to the right place. Our hope is that all children will connect with Christ as they hear about the love of Jesus and the Word of God through the power of the Holy
At Redeemer, we have dedicated volunteer teachers who follow an age-appropriate curriculum that is Bible-based and Christ-centered. We are currently using the "Show Me Jesus" curriculum, a publication of the PCA.
Children’s Sunday School classes are taught each Sunday starting at 9:45 a.m. We offer classesfor 2-year-olds through 5th Grade. The classrooms are located downstairs. ​
Please contact Teri Pettyjohn, Director of Children's Ministry with questions or if you are interested in volunteering.

CLUB 345
Join us on Wednesday nights from 7-8:30 for a time of fellowship, prayer, games, and Bible
study. We are using The Gospel Project curriculum which presents God’s redemption story
through the scriptures. This program is geared towards children in 3rd- 5th grades and runs from
August to the second week in May with breaks for holidays. Your child will enjoy the small
group time, develop friendships, and learn about God’s rescue story for sinners! CLUB345 is
excellent preparation for Youth Group in the middle school years.
Kingdom Kids
Kingdom Kids is a midweek program for Redeemer kids, kindergarten through 2nd grade. Our Kingdom Kids investigate the countries where our Redeemer missionaries serve and hear reports on their unique works.
Kids love hearing missionary update letters and becoming pen pals with missionary kids. All of this will help us become Kingdom Kids here in Georgia so that we can play our part for God’s kingdom in the world!
Kingdom Kids’ leaders: Sarah Brogan and Madeline Day