“We are a people glorifying God by reaching people for Christ and furthering the Kingdom of God in Evans and the Nations”

Family Mission Project
Family Mission Project is a local outreach opportunity for families to bring their children and grandchildren to participate in mission outreach in our community. We meet each day for a week during the summer at the to prepare a craft or simple service project for an organization in our community. Parents /Grandparents should plan to stay with their children/grandchildren each day.
For More information Contact Bart Brezina or
Cheryl Borchardt

Christmas Outreach
The Columbia County Board of Education provdes us with families who are in need of assistance for Christmas. These families give us toy and food suggestions and the congregation provides. Homegroups then deliver with the hopes to establish a relationship with the families.

Summer Sacks
Redeemer packs boxes of food to those families in Columbia County needing food assistance over the summer. The families are given to us by Columbia County Cares in conjunction with the Golden Harvest Food bank.

Saturday Sacks
Saturday Sacks is an outreach of Redeemer designed to help children in Columbia County who come from homes with food and shelter instability. Each sack is packed with individual servings of food to provide nutrition for children over the weekend when they may not always have access to meals. This service is provided during the school year.

Thanksgiving Meals
Thanksgiving assistance is given each year to the families we helped over the summer. Our goal is to make relationships with the families in order to help physically and spiritually. We gather one day in November to cook a complete Thanksgiving meal for these families.

iCare serves women and children who are victimized by sexual exploitation as well as those who are at risk of being victimized.

Redeemer Preschool
The purpose of Redeemer Preschool is to support the home, extend the ministry, and to provide a quality preschool experience for the children of Redeemer and the community.
We are currently full for this year. Registration for the 2021-22 school year will begin in March 2021

Susan Swanson, Augusta GA
The Augusta Care Pregnancy Center is a non-profit Christian ministry created to share the gospel with all whom they come in contact. They also strive to raise a standard showing God’s concern for the mother and her unborn baby, both who were created in the image of God.
The Center offers a variety of services to women who may be facing the results of unexpected pregnancies, who are in need of temporary financial support, or who desire confirmation of a wanted pregnancy. Specific services offered include the following: The Nurturing Place (Parenting class), Tues. 10AM and 6pm, Wounded Hearts (Bible Study) for women affected by emotional/physical abuse, Post Abortion Counseling, Abstinence Outreach, and Sonograms.