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Current Missionaries
Ronnie & Heather Barnes
Kevin & Ashley
Bradley & Sara Cordell
John & Dawn
Doug & Amy Nunziato
Dan & Mako Gilchrest
Richard & Rachel Sharpe

“We are a people glorifying God by reaching people for Christ and furthering the Kingdom of God in Evans and the Nations”


In Harms Way

John and Dawn, Pioneers, In Harms Way



iCare serves women and children who are victimized by sexual exploitation as well as those who are at risk of being victimized.


International Link

The International Link serves international visitors who come to Augusta area campuses for study, research, and military training. The International Link exists as a non-profit, interdenominational Christian organization working through volunteers from local churches to serve international guests in the Central Savannah River Area. The International Link is the only organization of its kind in the CSRA. During any week, over 40 volunteers and the staff are involved in English classes for international visitors, Bible studies, and times of mentoring new believers, as well as coordinating the outreach to internationals in the area. The ministry of “Link” continues thanks to a number of Christian volunteers helping with English classes, Bible studies, rides to events, hosting dinners, delivering furniture and serving in many other ways. In 2012, there were over 125 internationals in the English classes. Bible studies are held each week for women, men and older monolingual speakers. The international visitors include atheists, Hindus, Muslims and others from 55 nations. Someday those from “every nation, tribe, people and language” will be standing before the throne of God worshiping Him alone.

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Pregnant Choices, Evans, GA

Our clinic strives to make sure women in our community are given the information and support they need when faced with an unplanned pregnancy and thinking about abortion.

All of our services are free and confidential. Under the direction and supervision of our medical director, Allan Joseph, MD, we are able to provide women with free pregnancy testing, limited OB ultrasounds, and options information.


Richard Pratt, Worldwide

Third Millennium Ministries is a non-profit Evangelical Christian ministry in the Protestant tradition. They are recognized by the IRS as a 501(c)(3) corporation. They depend on the generous, tax-deductible contributions of churches, foundations, businesses and individuals. Their mission is to equip church leaders in their own lands by creating a multimedia seminary curriculum in five major languages. Their goal is to provide Christian education to hundreds of thousands of pastors around the world who lack sufficient training for ministry. They are meeting this goal by publishing and globally distributing a free multilingual, multimedia, digital seminary curriculum in English, Arabic, Chinese (Mandarin), Russian and Spanish. In order to accomplish their production goals, they have developed a highly cost-effective method of producing high-quality multimedia video lessons. They strive to maintain quality not only in production, but also in content. All of their instructors are seminary professors, and their writers and editors are theologically trained educators. All of their translators are theologically astute native speakers of their target languages.


Richard and Rachel Sharpe, Operation Mobilization

Richard has served as a missionary in India and in leadership aboard 3 of Operation Mobilization's (OM) international ministry ships and preached the gospel in nearly 100 countries. This Englishman, while onboard, met Rachel, from Colorado who assists him and has a ministry of prayer, encouragement and hospitality. They have 2 grown sons, Simon and Jonathan, and are based in Tyrone, Georgia, with OM USA. Richard has a Master of Divinity and has served on church leadership teams in England, Canada and the USA. His passion is to go around the world with 'One Wish' - an approach he has developed, to equip God's people to help others begin and grow in friendship with God.


Susan Swanson, Augusta GA

The Augusta Care Pregnancy Center is a non-profit Christian ministry created to share the gospel with all whom they come in contact. They also strive to raise a standard showing God’s concern for the mother and her unborn baby, both who were created in the image of God. The Center offers a variety of services to women who may be facing the results of unexpected pregnancies, who are in need of temporary financial support, or who desire confirmation of a wanted pregnancy. Specific services offered include the following: The Nurturing Place (Parenting class), Tues. 10AM and 6pm, Wounded Hearts (Bible Study) for women affected by emotional/physical abuse, Post Abortion Counseling, Abstinence Outreach, and Sonograms.


Linda Tuccirone, Augusta GA

In 2000, a small group of people began to dream about starting an inner city Christian school for the children who need it the most and whose parents could afford it the least. They discovered that the children in urban Augusta were not unlike the children in all urban school districts in America, living in poverty (1 in 3) and undereducated. The schools in the district were some of the worst in the state. Recognizing that under-education and social counter productivity are as closely correlated as smoking and lung cancer, they set about doing the research and raising the money to start a school with an intentional mission to the children from low-income families. Heritage Academy creates a culture of learning with high expectations for academic, character and spiritual development. The curriculum is rigorous. Children may participate in a Suzuki violin program at no cost. All students participate in our weekly chapel program. The students have consistently out performed both national and county averages on standardized tests. Heritage Academy is an independent school offering a quality Christ-centered education to children of diverse economic, racial and ethnic backgrounds, empowering them to become a positive influence for Christ in this community and around the world.



Anyone who wants to trust God and who wants to be used of God to get the Good News to the unreached can make a Faith Promise commitment.


Rev. Daniel & Mako Gilchrist, Equipping Leaders International 

Equipping Leaders International (ELI) is a ministry that is committed to serving and training Christian leaders who have little or no formal training. Therefore the focus of ELI is on developing nations throughout the world. Dan is a Project Director for ELI focusing on the training of leaders in West African nations

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